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There are multiple differences between 2 'major' GXL BL2 revisions, built in 2017 and 2018 respectively. This page aims to list all the major changes Amlogic made.

CPU Architecture

These 2 revisions target separate arch. Running objdump with -maarch64 shows:

   1 ;
   2 ; p212/bl2.bin `Built : 11:58:42, May 27 2017. gxl gc3c9a84 - xiaobo.gu@droid05`
   3 ; This is valid AArch64 assembly
   4 ;
   6 0000000000000000 <.data>:
   7        0:       14000002        b       0x8             ; Jumps to bl2_entrypoint which is supposed to be at 0xD9001008
   8        4:       d900a310        stlur   x16, [x24, #10]
   9        8:       aa0003f4        mov     x20, x0
  10        c:       aa0103f5        mov     x21, x1
  11       10:       d53800a0        mrs     x0, mpidr_el1
  12       14:       9400204b        bl      0x8140

   1 ;
   2 ; lepotato/bl2.bin `Built : 16:20:27, Apr 19 2018. gxl g9478cf1 - jenkins@walle02-sh`
   3 ; This is invalid AArch64 assembly, which means this definitely doesn't target AArch64.
   4 ;
   6 0000000000000000 <.data>:
   7        0:       14000200        b       0x800      ; Notice how it jumps to 0xD9001800. Also notice how this has nothing to do with bl2_entrypoint. Most likely bad disassembly
   8        4:       d900a698        .inst   0xd900a698 ; undefined
   9        8:       14000000        b       0x8        ; Is this a loop?
  10        c:       d503201f        nop
  11       10:       d503201f        nop
  12       14:       d503201f        nop
  13       18:       d503201f        nop
  14       1c:       d503201f        nop

Ghidra can't find a single function in the lepotato bl2.bin but successfully finds all of them in the P212 bl2.bin when the language is set to AARCH64-default. But it does find functions when the language is set to ARM-v7-default, which means lepotato's bl2.bin is targeted for ARMv7/AArch32.

Latest GXL BL21 is also targeted for AArch32. There's a config constant CONFIG_BL21_T32 which, if set, compiles BL21 for AArch32:

   1 #
   2 # arch/arm/cpu/armv8/gxl/firmware/bl21/Makefile
   3 #
   5 # Build architecture
   6 ifdef CONFIG_BL21_T32
   7 ARCH            := aarch32
   8 else
   9 ARCH    := aarch64
  10 endif

This constant is set in arch/arm/include/asm/arch-gxl/cpu.h:

   1 /*
   2  * arch/arm/include/asm/arch-gxl/cpu.h
   3  */
   4 #define CONFIG_BL21_T32           1

Which effectively makes it compile BL21 to target AArch32 instead of AArch64, and thus this means BL2 binaries newer than P212 BL2 binaries runs in AArch32 instead of AArch64. Meanwhile GXBB BL2 binaries all target AArch64, and GXL BL1 also targets AArch64.


  • Check if newer SoCs also use AArch32 BL2 binaries.

  • There may be a quirk Amlogic tried to mitigate by using an AArch32 BL2; right?