BL1 enables the SoC watchdog and sets it to ~30 seconds, where it resets after a while. BL2 has a function watchdog_disable(void) which effectively disables it:
It is called by ddr_test(void) if ddrs.full_test equals 1:
1 if (ddrs.ddr_full_test != 0) {
2 watchdog_disable();
3 uVar2 = memTestDevice((uint *)(ulong)ddrs.ddr_base_addr,(ulong)((uint)ddrs.ddr_size << 0x14));
4 if ((int)uVar2 == 0) {
5 serial_puts((byte *)s_Device_test_pass!_d900940c);
6 }
7 else {
8 serial_puts((byte *)s_Device_test_failed!!!_d90093f5);
9 reset_system();
10 }
11 }
And by bl2_load_image(void) when loading images:
So BL2 doesn't actually disable the watchdog right away, but only when loading images, in practise.